Welcome to Pikachu City!
For those of you who actually come to
this space-wasting site, a new version of Pikachu City will be coming
soon. Where it will be we don't know yet.
 In case you don't know
We're two Pokéfans, Mr. Mime & Typhlosion (code
 Pokémon Codes
Guy On The
Roof This is useless, but mysterious. Put the Secret Key in your PC. Go
to the Cinnabar Gym door. It won't open, thus pushing you backward. While
being pushed, look at the gym's roof. You will catch a glimpse of a man on
the roof. Weird, huh?
(!Danger! Will mess up your game!) Fly to Viridian City and talk to the
old guy who shows you how to use Pokéballs. Fly to Cinnabar and Surf along
the coast of the island. Sooner or later you will run into this puzzle of
a Pokémon. It's almost impossibleto catch, but you may not want to
Infinite Items (!Danger! Will mess up your
game!) After meeting Missingo, look at your sixth item. You'll have 99
of that item! To get 99 of a certian item, just move it to the sixth spot
on your item list. This is really handy with Rare Candys and the super
terrific Master Ball.
More Ways To Get
Mew Did you miss out on the Pokémon TCG Tour and not get Mew? And ever
wonder what to do with your dumb ol' Magikarp? Well, here's a solution to
your problems. Go to the Lavender Town Name Rater and name Magikarp Mew.
Come back to the Name Rater after a while. He won't tell you, but your
Magikarp is now a Mew.
Mewthree (May be
fake) Train a Golem to lv. 100 and teaching it these attacks in this
Strength Dig Seismic Toss Fissure
If the
S.S. Anne ever does come back, go to the Deck floor. Use Strength on one
of the blocks to knock it into the water (You know, the ones at the edge
of the ship?). Take the stairs and you will be transported to the Silph
Co. pool. Surf and you will meet three Pokémon: Marill, Blastiose and, of
course Mewthree. Cross your fingers, people.
Yoshi (May be
fake) We're pretty sure we're one of few who know how to get this
unusual Pokémon. We know, his name also belongs to a Nintendo character.
Now, just go to where Mewtwo is/was. Give one of your Dragonite a Fire
Stone. Even though the game won't let you, do it anyway. Presto!Dragonite
is now Yoshi!
The Mysterious
M You can get him two ways: you might get him instead of Missingo
sometimes. The other way is that he appears along with the Safari Zone
Pokémon in the next code often. If he appears instead of Missingo, he'll
mess up your game. He's safe with the Safari Zone Pokémon.
Catch Safari Zone Pokémon Easily At the Safari Zone, waste your time in
one patch of grass. Go to where Missingo appears, & Surf along the
east coast of Cinnabar. The Pokemon from that patch of grass should appear
there. Now you can catch it like a regular Pokémon! Get out the
 Bottom Of The Heap
Below we
have a mini quiz and a guestbook.
We hope
our website will be better in the future!!!