A bunch of adopted Pikachus
Just click 'em and you can adopt 'em too!
Pikachu #25
Nickname: Stupid
Adopted By: Diputs

Meet my Pokémon Pikachu
click here to one of
your own.
Name: Pikachu
Level: 0
Attacks: None
Interests: Being a Pikachu
 Hello my name is Stupid, and I like to drive! If you would like to adopt a Pokétoddler for your site, please go here.
Pikachu again!
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Pokemon Name: Pikachu
I got my Pikachu from the Pokemon Adoption Agency

My new pokemon is Pikachu
nick name- Stupid!
level- 0
Attacks- None
to adopt a pokemon for your page click HERE!
Head back to Pallet Town