Disney & Warner Bros. Games
After a certain point, we got so many games based on Disney/Warner Bros. characters, we decided to make a page for them all.
Oh, and before you continue, there's some things that need straightening out. Apparently, due to overseas copyright issues, a lot of Disney games in Japan got turned into Warner Bros. games in the USA. First off, Roger Rabbit for the Famicom got turned into Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle. Instead, we got Who Framed Roger Rabbit? which actually had something to do with the movie. Mickey Mouse I and II for GB turned into Crazy Castle I and II, likely because of their similarities to Crazy Castle for the NES. Both GB Castle games got released on Super Gameboy in Japan as Bugs Bunny Collection. This is probably what prompted the two original GBC sequels for both countries. Mickey Mouse II also became Hugo (which got an unrelated sequel) in Europe. Mickey Mouse 3 for the NES became Kid Klown in Night Mayor World. Mickey Mouse IV became Garfield Labyrinth in Europe. Mickey Mouse V made it intact as Mickey Mouse- Magic Wand on SGB.
Roger Rabbit, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Roger Rabbit games from both sides of the Pacific. First, we've got a generic platformer with Roger in it for no particular reason other than that it's the game that was designed for him (though it's kinda fun picturing Roger saying "Ppppppppplease set side B!"), and then an exploration-type game, with cool 8-bit renditions of the movie's score, where you play as Eddie Valiant.
Mickey Mousecapade
Mickey's first video game. Doesn't work on all emulators.
Mickey's Adventures in Numberland, Mickey's Safari in Letterland
It's edutainment time! We don't know how they got such good quality voice clips on NES, but that's Disney for you.
Mickey Mouse I-II
Mickey on the Gameboy! Rayy!
Mickey Mouse III- Dream Balloon
For some reason the third installment of the Mickey Mouse series was on the NES, and it's certainly the first time we've ever heard of such a thing. Usually it just changes when the system is outdated- no jumping back and forth or whatever. Anyway, this game uses balloons as your primary weaponry, similar to the Tokyo Disneyland games.
Mickey Mouse IV-V
And so it was back to the Gameboy for more magical adventures! Come on, kids!
Mickey Mouse- Magic Wand, Tokyo Disneyland- Mickey's Cinderella Castle Mystery Tour, Mickey's Dangerous Chase
Various Mickey GB games. SGB version of Mickey Mouse V, SGB version of a SNES game (see below), and one that doesn't have a different version at all!
Mickey's Playtown Adventure- A Day of Discovery!, Mickey's Great Tokyo Disneyland Adventure
Two Mickey SNES games. The first is dull, the second's nothing like the SGB version (except the intro).
Disney's Magical Quest 1-3
SNES series that was also rereleased on GBA some years later. The third never came to the US until the GBA version. Very whimsical.
Castle of Illusion, World of Illusion
More stinkin' Mickey games, for Sega Genesis. Also whimsical.
Mickey Mouse- Fantasia, Mickey Mania- The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse
The last of the Mickey games we could concievably put up here. We're not sure why someone decided to turn Fantasia into a platformer, but from what we've seen, it works. The other is quite nice, and the idea may have been still in the minds of the guys at Disney's video game department when they did Kingdom Hearts. The last levels seem to be a plug for The Prince & The Pauper, leaving one feeling that they could've done a few more classic Mickey shorts.
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout
At least this version has carrots and Looney Tunes bad guys to make Bugs seem more at home than Roger ever did. Though whacking giant mass-produced procucts (Soda can? Detergent? What is that thing?) and literal hammerheads with a huge hammer in Blowout is amusing.
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 1-2
Don't expect anything new.
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 3-4
Strangely enough, when this series continued with these original games, the gameplay wound up more linear as opposed to the constantly changing look and feel of the Mickey Mouse series.
Bugs Bunny Collection, Bugs Bunny- Operation Carrot Patch
I like the SGB borders on Collection. And I like Lola. She's in the second.
Bugs Bunny- Rabbit Rampage, Bugs Bunny- Double Trouble
These two aren't even for the same platform (SNES and Genesis respectively), but they're so similar in concept (revisiting old Looney Tunes locales and shorts like Mickey Mania) that they just seem to belong together.
The Lion King
Wow, Disney animators and background painters must've worked on this one! These graphics are great! Great game, too.
The Lion King- Simba's Mighty Adventure
A GBC game based on the same gameplay that the first Lion King game had. Too bad the screen is so small and the graphics are only slightly better than a NES. Oh well... the shots from the movie look good.
The Lion King II
Bizarre Chinese pirate for Sega Genesis. No idea if this is original or a hack of something else... Still, whatever it was, Simba's (if that's who it is) moves work well with the gameplay. No relation to SP.
The Lion King III- Timon & Pumbaa
Unless you think they still make NES games, this is obviously a hack/pirate of some kind, based on TLK 1½. Not bad. Wonder what it's a hack of...
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