Mario Hacks, Pirates, & Patches
Weird hacks are our specialty. Serve yourself!
Super Mario Bros. Clone
An incomplete home-made game. All you can do is jump and run.
Wario Craft
The screenshot here is the entire game. Yup, it's just a title screen!
Super Mario Special 3
Pirate. Enjoy a long, annoying beep, start the game, crash the emulator.
Mario Adventure
Your usual extra-challenging SMB1, 2 or 3 hack. This one is a hack of 3, and it's got lots of extra cool features, such as weather and being able to choose from any of the first 7 worlds.
Mario World X
A quite challenging SMW hack. Just try getting past the first levels.
Strange Stick Bros.
Taking one hack, Strange Mario Bros., and patching it onto another, Super Stick Bros. (starring stick figures), produced this. It has bits of both games, so have fun with the weirdness!
Mario 16
A hack of some caveman game, so Mario gets to explore the prehistoric world and fight dinosaurs! Although all they did was put Mario in place of the original sprite...
Mario's Trip to Hell
A very wacky hack of SMW, where power-ups are strewn everywhere like in a messy room. It's really not that hellish at all, really...
Super Mario Bros. 6
Of all games to hack into, the weirdest choice would be a Tiny Toons game. And that's exactly what this is! I question the wisdom of these piraters.
Retro Mario World
Another SMW hack, where you explore worlds mixing SMB1 graphics with SMW ones. There's even a level based on the classic first SMB level.
Super Mario World 9
Another weird NES pirate, where this time an orange Mario explores the worlds of an Adventure Island game.
Mario Bob Demo
A glitchy demo starring "Mario Bob".
Super Mario 14
Pirate hack of Kid Niki 3. Amusing.
Super Mario World/Bros.
No, it's not two games. It's two title screens. Seems to be trying to roll all popular games into one, including the game's music. Read a review here.
Super Donkey Kong 1-2
More pirates, this time NES versions of DKC 1 & 2.
Super Donkey Kong- Xiang Jiao Chuan, Donkey Kong Country 4
A little more original than the above, here's China's attempt at a DKC copy, and another one from somewhere, for which emulator support is still buggy.
Super Wario World
Another well-made SMW hack, this time you play either Wario or Waluigi.
Super Mario World (NES)
Now here's an interesting one. A version of SMW for the NES, which never occurred officially. It even appears to have been done from scratch!
Super Mario War
A very psychedelic and trippy home-made game, and you're shooting what appears to be cartridges flying in the air above your head in an arc, and meanwhile a looping animation of random Mario people driving in cars and a Jamaican caterpillar influenced by Alice in Wonderland plays behind you. The few sound effects (there isn't any music) are totally unrelated to Mario and are very silly... which makes for a very enjoyably surreal gaming experience.
The most difficult Mario hack I've come across. Strange level layouts that require you to abuse glitches to no end. See a speedrun here.
Super Demo World, Super Demo World- The Legend Continues
Two hacks done by the creator of Lunar Magic to demonstrate the SMW editor's abilities.
Super Mario Kart Rider (Super 8-in-1)
A multicart with only one functioning game, of the motorbike racing type.
One of those mystery I-have-no-idea-what-this-is-a-hack-of games. In Japanese.
Super Carrots- The Veggie Adventures, Super Carrots- A New Harvest
Two silly hacks of SMB3 & 2, starring vegetables. One works, the other doesn't seem to. It's too bad, really.
Super Mario Bros. 2- Xmas Edition
Basically, everywhere it's snowing, and all the characters (enemies included) are dressed as Santa and his elves.
Super Bros. 10 Kung Fu Mari
Pirate hack of Jackie Chan with a very Engrish-type name, starring Mario and his bloated head.
Super Mario 4
A fairly well-known fake, which is a hack of a Japanese side-scroller called Crayon Shin Chan, but other than that, it's another game where Mario is simply put in another side-scroller. But who the heck cares?? We certainly don't.
Super Mario World- Return to Dinosaur Island
Another nice one, mostly level changes. It's always pretty good if they bothered to change the title screen animation.
Mario Lottery
Another well-known fake, which is a very cheap Chinese-made lottery game, where the only music's some scales and a version of "Ode to Joy" that played when you got some points. The silliest part is that the badly drawn Mario has an "F" on his hat, which you can see from the screenshot above.
The Worst Hack Ever
Why is it the worst? Every sprite has a box around it! Guess it's supposed to look glitchy. *Spongebob sings* It's the worst hack everrrrrr...
Mario Bobble 1989
Another odd hack. Could have been some Puzzle/Bubble Bobble spin-off once, but we're not familiar with the series.
Mario Runner
Japanese unliscensed game/pirate/hack of... something. Could be original. Unusual gameplay.
Japanese hack of Spelunker. Works better graphically than most.
Spudd- The Journey Home
Spudd phone home.
Super Mario World 3- Islands of Mystery
Nice and challenging. Uses stuff from All-Stars, so that keeps it interesting. SMW must be the most popular Mario game to hack..
Kart Fighter
A nice fighting game with characters from Super Mario Kart. Well done, from reviews we've read, but we're not a fan of fighting games. But it's Mario.
World Heroes 2
Another pirate fighting game, this time even weirder. Your choice of fighters are a gaggle of then-current pop culture icons, including Mario and Bowser. There's a World Heroes 3 out there, but it's just a text hack of some other fighter with names like Hitler.
Mari Turbo Street Fighter III
More piracy of the fighter persuasion. Street Fighter game with badly-resized Mario sprites thrown in place of a couple of the originals.
Mario in a Sonic game! Also well-done from what we've heard, but we're not familiar with Sonic games. But it's done from scratch ('cause Sonic was never in a NES game), so that's impressive.
Mario Fantasy Adventure, Mario RPG- Subcon's Revenge
Two hacks of Final Fantasy. The first one is better.
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