Pokémon Hacks, Pirates, & Patches
Ah yes, hacks. If you get tired of the regular games, get these. Odd how most of these are from Italian sites.
Ash Version- Gold & Silver
Two unrelated hacks of G/S. Gold is pretty nice, mostly changes to the towns and wild Pokémon. Silver is a simple text hack- whoever did it was a little awkward with their English. Both star Ash. Unrelated to our (upcoming) comic.
Pikachu Loves Pokéballs
Japanese public domain GBA game. It doesn't appear to work...
Russian Pokémon NES Pirates (and other foreign NES stuff)
Hacks of weird NES titles some Russians made... to rip off customers into thinking that they were real Pokémon games, we suspect. Also includes a Zelda hack from Portugal, and a strange version of Gold from China.
Super Pikachu
Ever wanted to play Pikachu in a Mario game? Probably not, but here it is anyway.
Black & White
Black is a simple move-things-around-add-a-random-house-and-replace-this-guy-with-something-silly hack, with Imakuni? replacing Prof. Oak. In White, everybody is a Pokémon and you train humans! You're a Pikachu, Gary is a Sudowoodo, his sister is an egg, and Prof. Oak appears to be some sort of flower. Too bad none of the text is changed.
Brown Version
This has got to be the best-looking and best-rearranged hack ever.
Meowth's Adventure!
You play as Meowth and that's about it.
Crystal Version (Elvish!)
Strange pirate with broken English and all the Pokémon referred to as "elves".
Flame Version II (Beta)
Random GBA hack I downloaded. Don't know who made it, haven't played it yet.
Mew Version
A rather glitchy-looking hack from Italy, where you flash back and forth between Ash and a Snorlax (Gary is a Staryu), all the wild Pokémon are rare but low-level, and your first Pokémon is Mew! Must be deliberately weird.
Mix Version
A nice-looking hack, one of the better ones. You can visit the Viridian (or in this case, Treedian) City Gym early! But we advise against it- the trainers don't have lower-level Pokémon.
Pocket Monsters Go! Go! Go!
A bizarre side-scroller that is actually a cleverly disguised hack of Smurfs' Nightmare, which can be found on the Other page. Download includes an early version that is a more obvious hack.
Pokémon 2
Adult words? Oh no! Cover your ears' er, eyes! Don't worry, there's not many. A simple text hack, but notable for it's wittiness. Gary, unsurprisingly, has joined Team Rocket, Giovanni is being naughty again, and you have to stop him by starting your journey over. Huh? Didn't I already catch all the Pokémon? The game also has an appearance by Oak's wife.
Pokémon Aftermath
Another simple move-things-around-add-a-random-house-and-replace-this-guy-with-something-silly hack. Your sprite is Lance, and your first Pokémon is Gengar. There's an awful lot of empty space, though.
Pokémon Generations
Another nice-looking hack. Your starter Pokémon are Eevee, Dratini, and Mew. Shortcuts have been added, also. The weirdest bit is when Prof. Oak takes you to his lab and walks on top of houses. He leads you straight to your own front door... and you go through it! Oak has disappeared, so you'll have to go the lab yourself.
The file size of this game is fairly large, but it seems whoever made it forgot to have you be able to get past the title screen...
Pokémon- Mewtwo Strikes Back
A hack of SMAS. SMB3 is the hacked part, based on the first movie. Also, SMB doesn't seem to work.
Pokémon Harrier
Uh... I think you and Pikachu are shooting at each other?
Pokémon Rocket- Jessie & James
In these two, the main characters are your favorite bumbling duo, Team Rocket! Red stars Jessie, and Blue stars James. Color coordinated! You're working for Giovanni, and that's about it, really. Bonuses include being able to choose empty and glitchy names for yourself and your rival, and Jessie's game lets you choose from Ekans, Koffing, and Meowth!
Pokémon Orange Islands (versions 1 & 2)
The first version is just a waterlogged Blue, and isn't even based on the actual Orange Islands. Version two is more like a sequel to both Orange Islands 1 and the Team Rocket games, because you play Jessie and your rival is James! This one is actually based on the cartoon, and it looks very nice- good and tropical. Both sport items that let you Surf right away!
Pokémon Revolution 2
Another nice hack! Your starters are the Legendary Birds! Where Revolution 1 is besides the White Album, we don't know. It's a little on the freaky side though- Oak's aides are now two Prof. Elms (they actually say so!), and you can jump off a ledge into a lake and get stuck. You do not want to save there...
Super Pika Land (versions 1 & 2)
Similar to Super Pikachu. Pikachu visits Mario Land in these two, the second one being a slight improvement since more of the enemies are actually Pokémon.
Pokémon- Pichu no Bouken
Japanese hack of some obscure RPG called Dragon... something or other.
Not much to say here. A graphics hack puts Pikachu in a Bomberman game.
Misty Version
Sort of a combo of your nice-looking hack and a simple move-things-around-add-a-random-house-and-replace-this-guy-with-something-silly hack. But this time it's in color and you play Misty! There's a Gym in Cherrygrove, and it also includes more walking on houses.
Pokémon Adventure
A strange side-scroller. Where did it come from? Is it a hack? It seems to be a Sonic the Hedgehog game... not sure, though... since when was Sonic on GBC?
Aqua Version
Despite the name, this game is not waterlogged. It's actually quite forested- even Viridian (or Jade in this case) Forest is more like a real forest. This is right up there with Brown concerning map changes, and it also has different wild Pokémon. Also impressive is that each town's colors on Super Gameboy have been changed- all to shades of green. (Rather than blue... odd!)
Pokémon of the Past DX
A Zelda hack starring Ash as Link, Prof. Oak as an owl, and Bulbasaur as your sword.
Pokémon Z
A dumb hack replacing the major sprites with Dragonball Z stuff. Badly done.
Poké Cide
Anti-Pokémon SMB2-hack randomness. I love your musical composition skills, dood!
Diamond Version
Now this one's interesting. It started life as a Pokémon knock-off called Keitai Denjuu Telefang (Power and Speed versions) in Japan, but then it was badly translated in China, put in an imitation Pokémon box, and then sold as Pokémon Diamond and Jade! Of course, Nintendo soon got a hold of them, and it was never sold again. But now here it is to download onto your computer! Yippee! Only problem is, Jade has not been made into a Rom (it seems), but we currently have it in cartridge form. (Download includes what appears to be the version the Chinese got.)
Keitai Denjuu Telefang (Power & Speed)
The original Japanese games that eventually became Diamond & Jade.
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