Game & Watch Games
I was fascinated by Game & Watch games. That's why I got cartridges for Game & Watch Gallery 1 and 4, and downloaded Roms with Game & Watch games. I really find them simple yet addicting and challenging. Then one day while searching for Gameshark codes, I stumbled upon a Game & Watch site. "That's for me!" I thought. Then I saw on the links page, "Game & Watch simulators". I had pondered if there were such things before- since G&Ws have graphics like a calculator (LCD), you couldn't really make Roms out of them, so I figured you'd have to make them from scratch. And that's what these did! So I searched for and downloaded as many as I could find, resulting in this collection you see here. Get downloading and find another way to relive the 80's! (If you know of any others, send me a link to the page)
Notes: Some of these simulators are by MADrigal. He doesn't like mirrors, so they link to his site. Pictures from GW- GameAndWatch.com (except for the originals at the bottom).
Handheld Quake is a program that simulates several Russian knock-off LCD games, as well as some original Nintendo ones, including Chef- which isn't available anywhere else as far as I know. Download here.
NOTE (2023): No downloads here since MAME emulates most if not all of these now. I could reupload them if anyone's curious about them though.
To download Treasure Tomb and Quest go here: link
To download the homebrew collection go here: link
Keep the balls in the air.
Balloon Fight
Based on the NES game of the same name.
Donkey Kong
This version of the arcade classic actually differs from the original- getting to Pauline requires that you do more than run across platforms, dodge barrels, and climb ladders. Although it obviously only has one level...
Donkey Kong Circus
This odd little spin-off, released as a special color G&W, involves DK juggling in a circus (in agreement to the Saturday Supercade cartoon series), and in risk of fireballs burning his hands (for some reason). Mario laughs at you and your pain!
Donkey Kong II
This is actually much closer to the arcade original than either accurately-named versions...
Donkey Kong Jr.
This is the more well-known version, at least in the G&W world.
Donkey Kong Jr. (Panorama Screen)
This color version is different as well, but essentially it's like the one above.
Cartoony wolf tries to catch chicken eggs in his hat.
Rescue people jumping from a burning building.
Uh... follow the pirate's flag pattern?
Keep creepy-crawlies from getting at your plants.
Rescue people jumping from a sinking ship.
Don't let those pedestrians stupidly walk through a manhole!
Mario Bros.
This game is actually nothing like the arcade game� you only vaguely resemble the brothers, and you�re working in a cake factory. This game would also be remade into Mario Bros. II, a Commodore 64 game, available in the Mario section.
Mario's Bombs Away
This one involves Mario in yet another non-plumber occupation, this time a bomb squad.
Mario's Cement Factory
They really must�ve indecisive about Mario's job... This time he maintains a cement-mixing machine. In the G&W Gallery series, it was changed into a cookie factory for the less graphically-challenged version (tying it into Yoshi's Cookie), which makes you wonder about the cookies...
Mickey Mouse
Suspiciously like Egg.
Gather treasure and avoid a giant octopus guarding it.
Oil Panic
Hmm... collect dripping oil and get rid of it?
Make sure the people jumping from a plane into the ocean don't drown.
Grab stuff Olive Oyl is throwing at you, and avoid Bluto's fist.
Rain Shower
Instead of bringing the clothes in from the rain, try to move them out of the way of the raindrops.
Keep Schroeder's music from waking anybody up by hitting it with a hammer.
Snoopy Tennis
Struggle against Charlie Brown's terrible aim and protect some bottles (of what?) off-screen.
Turtle Bridge
Grab your baggage and cross a river using turtles without drowning.
Treasure Tomb
An original G&W game, where you explore mazes in search of treasure.
Basically Gauntlet. Another original.
Other homebrew Game & Watch games
A collection of G&W styled games done for a contest on PD Roms. For various platforms.
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