Misc. Games

This is mainly for other popular video-game series and any oddball games we find.

Pac-Man Fever Pack!

For those of you who remember or have discovered Pac-Man Fever, we've got a download just for you... Every game on the album!

Great Giana Sisters

Well-known tongue-in-cheek knock-off of Mario for the C64. Nintendo got upset and had the company pull it off the shelves soon after its release, making the original disk a collector's item.

Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement

This site will probably explain it better than we could.

Kid Klown in Night Mayor World

Westernization of Mickey Mouse 3 (see Disney section). Klown's parents get zapped by some evil dude named Night Mayor (Night Mayor?) and goes out to save the day.


Random RPG I downloaded because the title reminded me of SP. Another reason I need to learn Japanese.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

For you fans of Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "saga" who've been looking for the original Infocom classic since forever, don't panic! (Yeah, like that joke hasn't been used before.) Here's the original right here, along with lotsa extra stuff.

The California Raisins- The Grape Escape

Well, isn't this an oddity! It's funny, it was finished but never released. Check out Mike Fireball's review here.

Burger Time, Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory

One of my favorite classic arcade games. Make giant burgers and ice cream! Violate health codes! Run away from giant living food! Insert coin!

Super Burger Time

If fast food service was an extreme sport...

Burger Time Deluxe


The Flintstones- Burger Time in Bedrock

"Okay, boys, we need a new game. How about we redo Burger Time again?"
"But boss! Nobody remembers it!"
"Hmm, you're right. Alright, what cartoon character do we have the rights to?"

A Boy and His Blob- Trouble on Blobolonia

One of the more obscure NES games.

Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure

Not wholly excellent, but still worth checking out, dude.

Garfield- Big Fat Hairy Deal, Garfield- A Winter's Tail

Two Garfield games for the C64, in one you rescue your girlfriend, in the other... uh... you're dreaming about a ski resort?

Garfield- A Week of Garfield

Garfield for the NES, with gameplay apparently taking place during the course of a week. Released only in Japan.

Garfield Labyrinth

A misguided attempt at a Westernization of Mickey Mouse IV (see Disney section). Released only in Europe.

Garfield- Caught in the Act

Garfield on the Genesis, the best of the bunch next to Nine Lives for GBA.

Pink Panther- Pink Goes to Hollywood

Don't you just love pop culture tie-ins???

Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom

Surreal fruit-and-veggie themed command-based RPG.


Our uncle had a computer he built himself that included a bunch of programs recreating Activision games for the Atari 2600. These are the same games in original Rom form. Download includes humourous sound files that came with the programs on the computer.

The Smurfs 1-3


Legend of Zelda III- The Triforce Saga

A dump of one of the several hoax cartridges that popped up during the hullabaloo surrounding a possible Zelda 3 NES prototype.

Spiritual Warfare

Our first taste of Christian gaming, this unintentionally humorous Zelda-type RPG is from the company that came up with the concept, Wisdom Tree. You'll probably never forget pelting random people with fresh fruit to save their souls. Includes the Genesis version. MIKE FIREBALL PLUG GO!

SWAT Kats- The Radical Squadron

SWAT Kats is a cartoon that I still enjoy watching today (when I get the chance). There's something strangely appealing about it. Knowing that it got a video game makes me wanna spout early '90s slang, so I will: wicked awesome!

Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Jr. Pac-Man

The original arcade versions of Pac-Man and it's sequels, including the forgotten Jr. Pac-Man.

Pac-Man (Galaxian hardware), Ghostmuncher Galaxian

Two bootleg versions of Pac-Man.

Pac-Man Plus, Super Pac-Man, Pac & Pal

Three Pac-Man spin-offs. One is hardly different from the original, but the other two are unique.

Pac-Land, Pac-Mania

More Pac-Man! The first is a side-scroller based on the cartoon, and the other is a late 80's remake.

Professor Pac-Man

Cheesiness knows no boundaries.


A personal hack of Puckman made from two downloads I got from some Dutch guy's site, Elton-Pac and the Ghost Name Editor. I'd like to get it supported by Mame someday, but considering it ain't from an arcade, it's not likely. Until then, ignore the error messages.

Pacman (Cheap-o GameMaker version)

This came with a program called GameMaker. Works just the same, but the graphics aren't too great.

Pac-Man 2- The New Adventures, Pac-In-Time

Two Pac-Man platformers from the early '90s. The second, unfortunately, doesn't work on all emulators.


Tetris-type Pac-Man puzzle game.

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

Rumored to have caused the Video Game Crash of '83, and considered one of the worst games ever.

Kiwi Kraze

Play as a kiwi bird. Explore New Zealand. Save your friends from the clutches of an evil walrus. OMG LOL

Zero Wing

Classic badly translated game. You've probably heard it quoted.

Spongebob Squarepants- Legend of the Lost Spatula

I'm not sure, but I think it's all the same people who do tie-in platformer games these days. They all feel the same.

M.C. Kids

Ronald sez: "Play my video game, and don't forget to buy my burgers!" Unusually good for blatant advertising.

Poke Mission '97

We thought this was a Pokémon game, but it turned out be some ball-and-paddle game. Oh well.


One of the few multicarts of real interest, it features 31 seperate games that all actually work (though not all on every emulator) and aren't repeats. It also features Mario wannabes jumping about in an imitation of the Famicom Disk System startup, and minor alterations to the "Merry" title screens.


I'm Popeye the sailor man... and stuff. Original arcade.

Popeye 2-3

Apparently Popeye got sequels. And only for the C64 even. 2 is fairly unsurprising, but 3 makes you wonder what was going on in the minds of its programmers. I mean, the idea of Popeye challenging space aliens to wrestling matches is just crazy enough to work, but you'd have to be fairly crazy to even come up with it.

Popeye '86, Popeye Pinball

More Popeye for the C64, mostly unrelated to the arcade game. The first is some sort of exploration game, and the other's obvious.

Popeye's English Fun

NES version of the arcade Popeye, modified for teaching Japanese gamers English, which is why it never came to the US. Over here it just feels like a game of Hangman. Part of the same series as DK Jr. Math.

Popeye 2

Totally unrelated to the C64 Popeye 2. Guess somebody else wanted to do a sequel. We've noticed that the next most popular video game plot (after "save the world and/or the princess") is "find the treasure and/or other valuable objects".

Popeye- Evil Witch Sea Hag's Clutches

Japan-only SNES. The Sea Hag casts a curse and Popeye has to save the world or something to that effect.

Hamtaro- Ham-Hams Unite!

No need to say anything besides that this is a Hamtaro game.

Legend of the Ghost Lion

An obscure NES game I found one day. I like lions, so... what the heck! It's an RPG. I'm planning to make it a sprite comic/manga someday.

SongPro Demo

Sadly incomplete simulation of the unlicensed Song Boy (later called SongPro) GBC accessory.


Unreleased Jaleco game with bad vegetable puns trying to be everybody else. Featured in an article at Lost Levels.

B-Rate Ultra Pack!!!

All the games featured in a sprite comic I like (except the one already found elsewhere on the site), B-Rate Ultra Force!!!

Hugo 1-2

Two games featuring what I can only assume to be a popular German cartoon goblin or something. The first is a European version of Mickey Mouse II, and I don't know if 2 is original or not.

Where's Waldo, The Great Waldo Search

Who the heck thought this was a good idea? Still, nobody said we didn't like bad ideas around here. Includes the NES version of the second game.

The Incredible Crash Dummies

Another strange tie-in. Buckle up, you're in for the ride of your life! Well, not really.

Gameboy Gallery

It's like Game & Watch Gallery, but without Mario.

Pinball Quest

It's a pinball RPG!

...You heard me.

Revenge of the Gator Pinball

Loveably dumb, random alligator-themed pinball goodness.

Hollywood Pinball

More pinball whateverness, this game features parodies of popular movies and TV shows in the form of pinball tables.

Rock 'n' Ball

Pinball! Retro '50s theme!

Out to Lunch

Odd SNES title. Catch some escaped food. Reminds me of Alfredo or French Baker from Action 52 (see below).

Namco Classics Collection Vols. 1 & 2

Includes Pac-Man and Mappy Arrangement, so you Pac-Man and/or Mappy fans can complete your collection.

Monster Party

Bizarre game with some interesting moments. A Japanese release was planned, but it never happened despite its Japanese origins. We can only guess how much more disconcerting it was originally. TR Rose review here. Doesn't work on all emulators.

Mappy, Hopping Mappy

Mappy is a lot more popular in Japan, but he also has a small following in the US. Here's the original and the Japan-only sequel.

Mappy-Land, Mappy Kids

Two NES Mappy spin-offs, one US-only, one Japan-only. We were the ones responsible for Mappy Kids info being included on one of the few US sources of Mappy info here.

The Blues Brothers

Not exactly a movie that translates into a platformer (that was done better in The Blues Brothers 2000 for N64, even though you still think, "Whose idea was this?"), but enjoyable nonetheless. Includes the very different SNES version.

The Blues Brothers- Jukebox Adventure

Gameboy sequel. Plays more like the SNES version more than anything.

Totally Rad

The inspiration behind Dan Miller's Kid Radd, and a totally obscure game, dude.

Action 52, Cheetahmen II

Action 52 is considered by many to be the worst video game ever, packed with 52 badly programmed, graphically-challenged games. Also here is the unreleased sequel to the featured game in Action 52, the Cheetahmen. I hope to put together a nice webpage featuring all the stuff about it and the company that made it someday, among other things.

Action 52 (Sega Genesis)

For a slightly more enjoyable gaming experience, try this version. Don't expect too much, though.


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